Learn to Skydive Pricing
Learn to skydive from the best!
Ready to learn from the best? Skydive Sussex is committted to delivering the highest quality training to create safe, self-sufficient, licensed skydivers.
Learn to skydive
Phase 1 pricing
Each of the activites below need to be completed to clear Phase 1. After completing Phase 1, you’ll be cleared to jump on your own, with your own parachute. You’ll retain a status as a student skydiver.
Training Tandem Skydive
- Level 2 training skydive taken as a tandem jump with a certified instructor.
First Jump Training Class
$150/per person
- 6-8 hour classroom-delivered training to prepare you for a solo skydive.
Category A training skydive
- Your first skydive with your own parachute, with an instructor guiding you in freefall.
Category B-E training skydives
- These skydives continue to develop your skills as you progress toward A license.
Learn to skydive
Phase 2 pricing
Phase 2 will train you to meet the objectives to satisfy the requirements for an “A” class license from the United States Parachute Association (USPA). Some of these requirements include completing a minimum of 25 freefalls, as well as packing a main parachute and jumping it without assistance.
Coach Jumps
- Four jumps with a USPA certified coach to further develop your skills.
Solo Skydives
- Seven solo skydives to practice your new skills on your own in freefall.
Hop & Pop Skydives
- Two skydives where you’ll exit the aircrat at lower altitudes to practice shorter freefalls.
Check Dive
- On this jump you’ll demonstrate your new skills to an instructor before award of the ‘A’ license.